Friday, February 26, 2010

Interview Assignment...

     Interviewing people must be one of the most stressing thing to do with another person, it's like interrogating without the violence and hostility..and a list of questions.
     Well, it just turns out I have to interview someone and my topic is movies so..*drum roll* I'm gonna be interviewing an actor!! *dun dun dun*
     The 2 parts of this assignment goes as followed:

1. Who are you going to interview? Why?
I'm going to be interviewing Joe Damey. This is because Joe has had experience in the acting field and acting does incorporate into movies. I think he would be a good person to interview.

2. At least 10 open ended questions that you plan on asking them.
1.What actor would you say inspires you?
2.What was something that helped you to strive to get better?
3.What would you say makes an actor good at acting?
4.Do you somehow involve your acting skills to real life? How?
5.How would you say acting has affected your life?
6.What impact, would you say, does acting have on you?
7.How does acting affect the people around you?
8.If you could, would you incorporate your acting skills in a movie?
9.How long have you been acting?
10.Is acting a passion you plan on keeping?

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